Jobs and Internships
Job seekers, career explorers welcome.
Opportunities abound in all kinds of career fields, white collar, blue collar or no collar. See this page for jobs in St. Joseph.
Found the perfect job, but now are trying to decide where to live? Hear from residents themselves about what makes St. Joseph the perfect place for an Uncommon Life.
- Job Listings on the Chamber Site
- St. Joseph Job Center
- Griffons 4 Hire
- Steven Craig School of Business Franchise Program
- News Press Jobs
- KQ2 Jobs
- City of St. Joseph Jobs
- Jobs to Careers
Jobs of many types, industries, and pay scales are available in St. Joseph. Your uncommon character of dependability, ingenuity, and agility are what make this community a great place for employers and employees alike to prosper. Multiple resources exist for those looking for open opportunities here. A Missouri Job Center location in St. Joseph makes job searches, employment resources and even advancing your education and training that much simpler. Professional employment agencies, like IMKO Workforce Solutions, Express Employment and Alpha Staffing help fill both temporary, technical and career positions.
Being exposed to what different jobs are really like and having the opportunity to prepare accordingly for the one most desired is essential for ensuring a ready and engaged workforce. We know in St. Joseph that preparation starts from birth and builds through the school years. We have a strong Success by Six program within the United Way, along with significant support for early childhood education throughout many organizations.
We also have over a decade of experience implementing the innovative My Success Event where area businesses promote career opportunities available to more than 2,000 area sophomore students from 30 Northwest Missouri high schools each October. More than 70 businesses meet one-on-one with students and encourage them to develop a career path. Click on to learn more.
Internships of all sorts are growing in availability in St. Joseph as more and more students seek experience and opportunities to stay right here and grow from the roots they have in the community. As part of this movement, the Chamber of Commerce works closely with area secondary and higher education institutions to provide technical learning opportunities to help more students find viable, well-paying positions in the local economy, helping create certificate programs and encouraging local employers to hire graduates. As part of MWSU, the Steven Craig School of Business gives students not only the business courses they need, but real-world experience in the Franchise Program. Students compete for coveted positions in the Franchise Program and then lead real businesses across several well-known sectors.
When it comes to hands-on training in in-demand fields, St. Joseph leads the region with Hillyard Technical Center. The Hillyard family name offers more than a century of business leadership and growth in the region, and the technical school continues this tradition with programs in technology, nursing, radiology and many more. Flexible programs mean students incorporate this training right into their high school day — and evening classes are also offered.
Missouri Western State University offers a variety of in-person and online courses and microcredentials (short-term education programs) to traditional and non-traditional students. A variety of resources, including tutoring, counseling, and career development, ensure that students stay on the path to success.
A WORK READY COMMUNITY In May 2016, Buchanan County was recognized by the Missouri Governor and the ACT international organization for achieving Work Ready Community status by meeting several standardized goals. A nationwide employment certification program bringing together employers, educators, and emerging employees through a common language. That language is communicated through the use of a WorkKeys job profiler database and assessment. Students entering, and employees transitioning within, the workforce who participate are awarded with a National Career Ready Certificate (NCRC) that recognizes various levels of competency in a widely recognized set of workforce skills.